Male vs Female Bengal Cat: The Key Differences

Written by

Amy Sawy

Veterinarian. DVM


Joseph M. Plummer

Veterinarian, DVM, MVZ

male vs female bengal cat

When choosing a Bengal cat as the feline pal, it’s vital to assess the gender differences that can affect your pet’s behavior and personality. This Male vs Female Bengal Cat debate brings unique traits, from distinctive markings to varying natures, not to mention their impressive bodily traits.

In this guide, see the alluring world of cats by scouring the intriguing contrasts between the sexes. Learn more than the usual facts, like the males are bigger while the females are way lighter and more mellow. With the proper stakes, welcome one of these charming furry beasts into your home.

Keep on reading!

The Fur Parent Overview: Bengal Cats

Overview & Origins


As unusual as their names, Bengal Cats are striking even with their appearance. These domestic cats resemble wild leopards, making this breed stand out! What will surely shock you is that these furred mammals are hybrids.

Yes, you read it right! These felines are an upshot of crossbreeding from an Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus Bengalensis) and a domestic tomcat. Pretty cool, right?

The goal is to mix a fierce physique while ensuring that even a 10-year-old can hold them. A strong beast with an affectionate nature. Hence, the birth of these cat pals in 1960!

All that became likely thanks to Miss Jean Sugden Mill, the American cat breeder/conservationist. She is the genius behind this modern mix. Mill’s contribution conserved the Bengal cats for good.

Now, it is time to know the traits that make these fur mates prime. Keep on reading!

Personality Traits of Bengal Cats

In general, there are markers that are already the ultimate Bengal Cat brand. Listed below are the ones you will notice in them once you welcome one to your humble abode.

  • Energy and Athleticness.
  • Emotional and Socialization Skills.
  • Intelligence
  • Loyalty
  • Connection

And now that you have a clearer picture of these charming felines, it is time for some Bengal cats male vs female.

Learn things like “Do male and female Bengal cats get along?” and more in this guide.

Are Male or Female Bengal Cats Better?


Of course, gender can be a factor when it comes to choosing a pet – and it’s not for picking the most suited feline for you. This applies to all petting processes. With the table below, learn the differences you can make as notes when choosing.

Catch if size comparison matters, other details, and key differences.

So, here are additional details to help you decide best.

Weight Average Range of 10 to 22 pounds Average Range of 06 to 15 pounds
Height Average Range of 08 to 10 inches (at times, up to 16 inches) Average Range of 08 to 10 inches (at times, up to 16 inches)
Shape of the Head Tend to be bigger due to Jowls as Tomcats Narrow Heads
Behavior and Human Connection More Emotionally Present and Good Interaction with Anyone Higher Chance of Loyalty to one particular person within the Household
Dominance More Dominant to Environment Less Dominant to Environment (Except toward other Female Felines, they can be pretty cranky)
Call or Vocalization More Vocal Less Vocal
Health Issues – see other common health concerns about Bengal Cats Prone to HCM, FIC, and even Prostate Cancer Prone to Pyometra
Heat Cycle and Fertility No Heat Cycles, Fertile at 4 months of cat age.

Sexual Maturity: 10 to 16 Months.

Can experience heat cycles if Not Neutered. Female cats are also fertile at 4 months.

Sexual Maturity: 06 to 08 Months.

Life Span They can live up to 12 years. They can live up to 13 years.
Grooming Low Maintenance – Minimal Needs Low Maintenance – Minimal Needs
Learning Capacity (Trainability) Fast Learner, Not Clingy Fast Learner, Clingy

1. Poundage & Size


Of course, this is one of the notable factors that you can see in contrast. The female Bengal size is daintier than males. They can grow as big as possible (since tomcats are more muscular), yet they are still adorable to play with!

2. Behavior by Gender and Intelligence

There is no doubt that regardless of gender, these fur pals are smart pets. However, males are more playful and extroverted. While queen cats are more self-reliant, they can be energetic while being able to play in solitude at the same time.

Expect them to be curious all the time. Do not be surprised if most of them will roam around your area.

3. Vocalization

In terms of vocals, you can bet that the Bengal males will do more of the meows and purrs than the females. It is part of their temperament, especially during mating season. If you want a subtle cat, go for a Queen Bengal.

4. Health

Behind that bubbly aura are the health conditions presented among this type of cat.

Tomcats, than the lady furs, tend to be more sickly and with more risks. Most are from genetic conditions, which are vital for vet care. Yet, it doesn’t mean you need to leave the female ones unattended; they are also prone to reproductive conditions.

While these gender-based differences are common, individual riffs exist, so it’s essential to view the distinct personality and needs of the cat you are curious about.


Now that the Male vs Female Bengal Cat fuss ends, we figured that males and females hold exceptional lures. The spirited energy of Bengal males dances alongside the charm of females. Whether you’re intrigued by the fuzzy magic of a tomcat or the grace of a cat queen, both will lead you on a lively journey.

Yet if still torn, males are the ultimate emotional purr pals. If you want a tough pet, then the female is for you! No matter what gender you prefer, both Bengal cats will be a good addition to your home – that’s for sure!