Maine Coon Teeth vs Normal Cat

Written by

Amy Sawy

Veterinarian. DVM


Joseph M. Plummer

Veterinarian, DVM, MVZ

maine coon teeth vs normal cat

Maine Coon is one of the most popular cat breeds, thanks to their looks and personality. But before deciding if you should bring one of them home, consider some important points. For once, you should compare Maine Coon teeth vs normal cat.

Why? Knowing the difference will give you an idea if you can take care of the Maine Coon’s teeth well. Yes, they are rather sensitive.

Otherwise, it is better to go for a regular cat. Read on to find out why.

Maine Coon Teeth Regular Cat Teeth
Size Slightly bigger Smaller
Structure Extra molars behind the fangs No double fangs
Strength Generally stronger and sharper Not as strong, but also not as prone to diseases
How long to develop permanent teeth 6 months 27 months

Maine Coon Teeth vs. Normal Cat

1. Maine Coon


Maine Coon is the largest domesticated and popular cat breed in the United States. Unsurprisingly, they also have the biggest teeth to pair with their frame. Their impressive teeth allow them a wide variety of food, including small mammals and birds.

2. Regular Cats


Regular cat teeth consist of several types, which are a mix of sharp and flat surfaces with different uses, like snipping, biting, and chewing. Like Maine Coon, regular cats can utilize their teeth to kill and eat small prey.

What’s the Difference?

1. Size and Structure


Because of their large size, Maine Coons have bigger teeth than most cats. What’s more, they have extra molars behind the fangs, which are not available in regular breeds. And it’s partly due to these double fangs that Maine Coons’ teeth are trickier to take care of.

2. Strength


Maine Coon’s set of teeth is not only sharper but also stronger. This helps them hunt their prey and protect themselves from predators.

However, Maine Coon teeth are more prone to damage and dental issues when not taken care of. Being aware of their teeth’ uniqueness will help future owners care for them accordingly.

3. Teething

Compared to regular cats, Maine Coons can usually grow permanent teeth faster, although only by a small margin. For more information, take a look at the teething timeline below.

Regular Cat Teething Timeline What Happens
Birth No teeth
2 to 3 weeks Incisors at the front poke out of the gums. 6 on top and 6 on the bottom.
3 to 4 weeks The canines beside the outermost incisors erupt next. 2 each on the upper and lower jaw.
4 to 6 weeks The premolars are the last set of teeth to come out. 3 on the top and 2 on the bottom.
8 weeks All 26 temporary teeth are out.
3.5 to 4 months The incisors will fall out first, with permanent incisors taking their place.
4 to 5 months Canines and premolars follow suit.
7 months All 30 permanent teeth have replaced the temporary set.

But how about Maine Coons? Check out this cat teething age chart to better understand its timeline.


Maine Coon Cat Teething Timeline What Happens
Birth No teeth
2 to 3 weeks The pointed tips of the milk teeth become visible through the gums.
3 to 4 weeks Incisors pop up first.
4 to 5 weeks The canine teeth next to the incisors appear.
5 to 6 weeks Premolars at the back of the mouth come in next.
6 to 7 weeks All 26 temporary teeth already broke through the gums.
11 to 12 weeks The milk teeth start to fall out to give way for the permanent teeth to grow.
14 to 18 weeks At 18 weeks, the adult teeth are halfway out of the gums. This is where the cats experience discomfort.
6 months All 30 permanent teeth are in place.

A teething cat, be it a Maine Coon or a regular breed, requires attentive care. To help a teething kitten, knowing the signs to look out for is important. Keep these kitten teething symptoms in mind.

  • The kitten is drooling.
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Pawing at the mouth due to face sensitivity.
  • Bleeding gums
  • Excessive chewing or gnawing
  • Absence of grooming attitude

Generally, the teething process goes smoothly without problem, but a regular check-up with a vet is still a must to ensure oral health.

Dental Problems in Maine Coon Cats and Remedies

Healthy teeth are crucial in the overall health of any cat, but especially with Maine Coons. It is due to their unique set of teeth that are susceptible to several periodontal diseases, especially when not given special care and attention.

FYI, you should brush your Maine Coon’s teeth every day using a cat toothbrush and toothpaste specifically formulated for felines. Alternatively, you can use finger pads, dental wipes, chewy toys, or dental cat food/treats if you can’t brush their teeth.

Note that dental diseases affect 80% of 2-year-old cats and older. Maine Coons are no exception. Here are some teeth issues that are common to this breed.

1. Gingivitis


Plaque build-up is the main cause of gingivitis. The inflammation starts when the immune system drops, resulting in red and swollen gums.

To prevent gingivitis from happening in the first place, brush your cat’s teeth daily, starting when it’s still a 1-year-old or younger. This practice can also help alleviate symptoms of the disease.

That said, if the issue is severe, it may require scaling and polishing the affected teeth.

2. Periodontitis


Untreated gingivitis leads to periodontitis. This long-term swelling can weaken the jawbones and tissues. Cats with this disease are also likely to develop halitosis, tooth loss, and loss of appetite.

Similar to severe cases of gingivitis, periodontitis is treated by scaling and polishing the cat’s teeth, provided that it’s still in the early stages. As for advanced periodontitis, the only solution is to extract any wobbly tooth.

3. Stomatitis


This condition can manifest in any cat breed, but Maine Coons are more susceptible to it. Stomatitis develops as an advanced immune response to periodontitis and gingivitis. The disease comes with pain, gum lesions, and severe swelling.

Usually, Maine Coons with stomatitis will be given antibiotics, pain medication, and oral gel. However, severe inflammation may sometimes mean the cat will have to undergo tooth extraction.

4. Tooth Resorption


Once the teeth break from the inside and gum line lesions appear, we can be sure that the cat is experiencing resorption of teeth. This health condition can occur after the three previously mentioned diseases but can also manifest with no clear cause.

There are two main solutions for this dental issue: either extracting the entire tooth or removing only the affected part of the tooth. To determine which option is better for your cat, the vet must first take the pet’s intraoral radiographs.


After reading this article about Maine Coon teeth vs normal cat, did you find any helpful information you never knew before? We hope you did! Maine Coon is a unique cat breed that is well-loved by many. Learning about how their teeth differ from a regular cat can help anyone planning to care for them.

Have you cared for a Maine Coon before, or do you have one right now? How was your experience keeping their teeth healthy and in good shape? Share them in the comments!